Startups Using SASS in Boston
Via their job posts and information submitted by startups themselves, these are the Boston SASS startups we've found.
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Increasing science experiment reproducibility with a suite of tools to measure & control environmental factors.
Tech Stack Highlights
Ruby on Rails – for API and user-facing dashboard web app to manage machines and alerts and see visualizations of data. Sidekiq for background processes.
PostgresDB – but evaluating some Time Series Databases (TSDB) like influxDB.
Sass & Slim – for CSS and HTML templating.
Hosted on AWS. We use GitHub and Slack.
We are open to other languages than Ruby for the backend.
Blockchain protocol tech & platform for more securely trading cryptocurrency on exchanges.
Cybersecurity training environment, mock attacks, and skill assessments platform.
Marketing platform for B2C marketers, aimed at increasing CLTV by driving more cross-sells and repeat purchases.
“Find, compare, and review doctors.” Reviews are individually human-moderated.
Tech Stack Highlights
Ruby On Rails – We use RoR for our core site implementation, enabling users to search for medical Providers and easily leave ratings & reviews. Our web pages are built using Bootstrap, HAML, SASS and Javascript technologies. We’ve built a data model system in Python that replaces ActiveRest. That model system is shared as a reusable Library by many of our other applications.
Postgres & Redis – All this is backed up by RDS instances in AWS running PostgresDB. We heavily use Redis and SOLR for data caching and queue management.
Flask/Python – The rest of our apps and services – Email systems, data analysis, internal tools – all run in Python based Flask/Flask-Restless environments.
ELK – Our logging system is run as an Elasticsearch-Logstash-Kibana stack utilizing Filebeat and Logspout for streaming the log output. From this stack we’ve also created a comprehensive Technical SEO Dashboard where we can monitor crawlers and their activity and measure the cause & effect on new site features.
DevOps – Our apps are deployed using Docker Swarm orchestration via Ansible scripts for independence from specific cloud providers. We’ve built a structure with Docker in a Blue/Green deployment methodology so there is zero downtime when releasing code updates. The system is front ended with Jenkins-CI for automated execution of Unit/Integration/Acceptance test suites.
“Brand-safe” UGC video content. Platform for brands to enable user-generated video with brand filters on top. Users can share on existing social channels but brands can remove content they don’t like.
KAYAK for car insurance. Quick, personalized car insurance quotes from multiple providers.
Tech Stack Highlights
Python – We’re using python for our core app, with Django/DRF powering our REST API, NLTK for NLP, and pandas running high-performance real time data analysis to calculate things like RateRank and savings estimates. We use Vagrant and Ansible for IT automation, and Jenkins and Selenium for QA automation and deployment to our AWS environment.
MariaDB – Our database runs Maria on RDS, for optimal MySQL-syntax performance. We crunch a lot of data in each query, so performance is key. Some of our queries approach 100 lines long, with multiple nested queries, dozens of joins, and layered aggregation, and we run some queries thousands of times per day.
Backbone – Backbone provided us “just enough” structure for our highly custom front-end MVC, while allowing us to build our own proprietary routing & workflow engine around it. We’re using epoxy for 2-way data-binding, and jQuery + Bootstrap plugins, in addition to dozens of proprietary UI components.
Bootstrap – Our mobile-first-responsive CSS uses Bootstrap as a baseline, but builds upon it to form a highly-customized, well-organized extensible style-guide with our own unique components and layouts. We’re using SASS class-extension, selector-nesting, and custom mixins under the hood to generate our CSS.
“A machine learning platform for data scientists of all skill levels to build and deploy accurate predictive models.”
Knowledgebase within your Slack to organize and share information with your teams.
Tech Stack Highlights
Draft.js & React – We recently rebuilt our text editor from the ground up on top of Draft.js. Building on Draft.js lets us create a smooth, rich editing experience that gets out of the user’s way so they can focus on sharing great content with their team. We also use Babel and Webpack to transpile and bundle up our front-end assets.
Slack – Tettra is built on top of the Slack platform. We use Slack for login and authentication and have built in notifications and slash commands. Our CEO even wrote an article about it.
PHP/Laravel – Our web application is built on the PHP web framework Laravel. Laravel comes with a ton of great building blocks including an ORM, queuing system, templating framework, and a prebuilt Vagrant box (VM) for local development to get us up and running and keep iterating quickly.
GitHub/Travis/Heroku – We use a combination of GitHub, Travis and Heroku for our continuous integration/deployment process. All pull requests get code-reviewed by a team member and have tests run automatically. Once code is merged to master, Travis runs the build and deploys to our staging environment on Heroku. We use the Heroku pipeline feature to promote staging code to production.
Intercom – At Tettra, everyone talks to customers. We use Intercom to get user feedback directly in the app, resolve bugs and inform our product process every day.