Startups Using Redis in Boston
Via their job posts and information submitted by startups themselves, these are the Boston Redis startups we've found.
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Tech Stack Highlights
Ruby / Rails – We use Ruby and Rails for our web facing applications, as well as the API underlying the platform. The entire platform is deployed to Amazon AWS. We haven’t made the jump to Rails 5 yet for existing applications, but it’s on the radar.
AWS – The entire drizly platform is built on AWS. We use a variety of different services, including SNS, Redshift and Lambda, which are used heavily in our data pipeline.
React – Where possible new frontend development is done in React. We have some SPA style projects built in React, as well as a significant number of components on our e-commerce site utilizing react.
Mysql/Postgres/Redshift – Depending on the application we use a slightly different data-store. We like to be flexible, and find the right solution for the problem at hand.
SQS – We utilize SQS heavily as a background job processing system. We’ve found it to be stable, and durable, and performant enough for our use cases.
Teacher / parent / school survey platform and data analytics.
Tech Stack Highlights
Ruby on Rails – We use Ruby on Rails because of its maturity and large ecosystem. On the front-end we use jQuery and Bootstrap, and on the backend we use ActiveRecord and Sequel to access Postgres databases.
Sidekiq and Redis – for distributed job processing capabilities.
RSpec – While not dogmatic about test-first development in all cases, we are passionate about writing and maintaining thoughtful and robust test coverage in RSpec.
Heroku and AWS – Heroku hosts our applications, managed databases, and various services such as centralized logging and distributed batch job processing. Amazon Web Services (AWS) provides file storage and simple messaging capabilities.
Bamboo – We implement continuous integration and delivery (CI / CD) via Atlassian Bamboo, deploying to production environments multiple times per day.
App for digital activists and Democratic campaigns in the U.S. to connect, giving users gamified ways to reach out to friends in the area most likely to support the campaign and engage them.
In-development platform by former Adelphic Mobile cofounder Jennifer Lum, aiming to turn “unstructured data into streams of structured information immediately usable by intelligent machines.”
Retrofitting industrial equipment to be cloud-connected for performance monitoring, failure prediction, and more.
Text-message-driven baby journal service.
Marketing platform for B2C marketers, aimed at increasing CLTV by driving more cross-sells and repeat purchases.