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Startups Using HTML5 Video in Boston

Via their job posts and information submitted by startups themselves, these are the Boston HTML5 Video startups we've found.

Interested in other technologies? Browse or search all of the built-in-boston tech stacks we've curated.

Video hosting, sharing, optimization.

Tech Stack Highlights

Ruby on Rails – We use Rails for most of our services. It’s easy to read, easy to test, reasonably fast to learn, and opinionated in ways that we find helpful.

Elixir – We’re using Elixir for select services where high concurrency is important.

React – We are using React on new frontend features because it’s stateless paradigm makes for code that is easier to reason about and winds up with fewer bugs. It’s also nice to have a single framework across our services, so folks don’t have to learn an entirely new system every time they work on something different.

MariaDB – It seems like everyone is moving to NoSQL data stores, but we love SQL! It turns out that databases that have been around for several decades are very good at what they do — indexing, locking, transacting — and using this proven technology means we get a lot of DBMS features “for free” that NoSQL variants force you to build yourself. We do have a service at scale beyond what a single SQL database can support, and in that instance we are sharded across several database instances.

Docker – All new application servers that we build are containerized and thus entirely immutable. This eliminates an entire class of problems that arise when servers are otherwise left in an unexpected state. We never have to worry about rogue processes, old open ports, or artifacts on the file system impacting a newly-deployed set of code.

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